International Food Research Journal Scopus

Ranked 118th of 135 journals under the food science and technology category.
International food research journal scopus. Food chemistry food microbiology food safety food processing food engineering food quality food toxicology food nutritional chemistry food analysis food packagingy sensory science post harvest technology food physics emerging technologies halal. Food research international provides a forum for the rapid dissemination of significant novel and high impact research in food science technology engineering and nutrition. The scope of the journal includes. Agricultural and biological sciences is the emerging research area that includes titles such as agro sciences biological ecological and toxicological studies cell biology developmental biology genetics biology toxicology ecology and environmental biology entomology and biotechnology.
Food research is an open access journal that publishes reviews original research articles and short communications focusing on food science and technology food service management nutrition nutraceuticals food innovation and agriculture food science. Announcement on article processing charge apc dear author s we would like to inform that the international food research journal ifrj is now indexed in the journal citation reports jcr with an impact factor of 0 662 q4 in 2018. Food science and food chemistry. The journal only publishes novel high quality and high impact review papers original research papers and letters to the editors in the various disciplines encompassing the science and technology of food.