International Journal Of Business And Management Research

International journal of research in management business studies ijrmbs is a top leading international online and print journal for publication of new ideas founded by students researchers engineers academicians and industries.
International journal of business and management research. International journal of management and business research ijmbr is an open access quarterly free charge publication as a non commercial publication of graduate school of management and economics science and research branch iau. Ijmbr journal has been indexed in the well known world databases such as scopus and sjr ijmbr is recognized as a primary instrument for projecting and supporting. International research journal of business and management irjbm issn. As a peer review and open access journal international journal of business research and management ijbrm invite papers with theoretical research conceptual work or applied research applications on topics related to research practice and teaching in all subject areas of business model and strategy business processes e commerce collaborative commerce and net enhancement finance.
2322 083x is a double blinded peer reviewed journal. Based refereed international academic journal established in 2008 with the aim of providing international platform of scholarly and academic research to promote intellectual achievements. Irjbm is a leading o n line version publishing research papers and case studies on monthly basis. Ijbmr which is published every december and provides an important reference tool for academics.