Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology Impact Factor

Jestec journal of engineering science and technology is a peer reviewed journal that aims at the publication and dissemination of original research articles on the latest developments in all fields of engineering science and technology.
Journal of engineering science and technology impact factor. If you have a great topic or idea you can propose a special issue and you will have the opportunity to be the lead guest editor of the special issue. The journal of engineering science and technology review jestr is a peer reviewed international journal publishing high quality articles dediicated to all aspects of engineering. Contributions are in english. Iranian journal of science and technology transactions of mechanical engineering 1 029 impact factor 2019 journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing.
The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high level learning teaching and research in the fields of. The journal publishes original papers in english which contribute to the understanding of engineering. The journal considers only manuscripts that have not been published or submitted simultaneously at any language elsewhere. Special issue special issue is an effective way for researchers to focus on a hot topic for an in depth study.
The journal publishes original papers in english which contribute to the understanding of engineering.