Syariah Law In Malaysia

Syariah the malay spelling of sharia refers to sharia law in islamic religious law and deals with exclusively islamic laws having jurisdiction upon every muslim in malaysia the syariah court system is one of the two separate system of courts which exists in malaysian legal system there is a parallel system of state syariah court which has limited jurisdiction over matters of state.
Syariah law in malaysia. We cannot ignore the fact that sometimes the development of syariah laws and its practise are influenced by political ideology. He was charged with accepting bribes a court official said. Syariah high court judge charged with taking bribes. The sac has been given the authority for the ascertainment of islamic law for the purposes of islamic banking business takaful business islamic financial business islamic development financial business or any other business which is based on shariah principles and is supervised and regulated by bank negara malaysia.
I family laws in respect of marriage divorce custody and guardianship maintenance of children matrimonial properties and alimony. As it stands today the administration of islamic law is confined to personal law for muslims and the syariah court is subordinate to the courts established by the federal. It has been said that islamic law and the civil law exist as parallel systems in malaysia. Looking at the malaysian legal system as a whole sharia law plays a relatively small role in defining the laws on the country.
Laws of malaysia act 559 syariah criminal offences federal territories act 1997 an act to provide for syariah criminal offences and mattersrelating thereto. Islamic law refers to sharia law and in malaysia it is known and spelled as syariah. The court is known as the syariah court. Syariah laws in malaysia apply in the following areas.
The proposition while attractive is grossly inaccurate in law. Federal territory of putrajaya 1 february 2001 p u. In november 2007 associated press reported. A judge has become the first senior member of malaysia s islamic law system to face a corruption trial.
Elaw my is malaysia s largest database of court judgments and legislation streamlined in a powerful yet user friendly engine for busy legal professionals like yourself. Act 559 syariah criminal offences federal territories act 1997 incorporating latest amendment p u a 251 2002.